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AMR+COBOT Autonomous mobile arm

Exhibitor:   EUROBOTS

Sector:   Robotics

Brand name:  YOUIBOT & DOBOT

Manufacturer:   REBOTS

L300 is lightest, yet the perfect option for warehouses or manufacturing facilities with narrow passageway. Carrying a maximum payload of 300 kg, the AMR is equipped with a lift deck module that elevates at a maximum height of 60mm and rotates in 360 degrees. 

L300 is equipped with dual LiDAR scanners with 360° coverage to support multiple levels of operational safety and security. They are the pillars to ensure a safe and reliable autonomous operation 24/7. 

The YOUI-FLEET management system allows a fleet collaboration of up to 100 AMRs under the same server, enabling a real ‘light-out’ operation.



Exhibitor EUROBOTS

Address:  Polugaldeguren III, Núm.32, Pab.1
Town:  zamudio
Postcode:  48170
County:  bizkaia
Country:  Spain
Pavilion:  H809