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AMR L1000 autonomous mobile platform

Exhibitor:   EUROBOTS

Sector:   Robotics

Brand name:  YOUIBOT

Manufacturer:   YOUIBOT

L1000 is one of the most powerful AMRs with payload of 1000 kg. It is designed with the goal to handle the heaviest workload in the facilities and optimise intralogistics efficiencies and throughputs in warehouses by automating the movement of goods, racks and pallets. 

The Trans series is equipped with dual LiDAR scanners with 360° coverage to support multiple levels of operational safety and security. They are the pillars to ensure a safe and reliable autonomous operation all year long. The YOUI Battery Management System (BMS) allows automated docking to charging station. When deployed in a fleet, BMS can schedule charging timeline for every AMR to ensure zero down time on the floor. The YOUI-FLEET management system allows a fleet collaboration of up to 100 AMRs under the same system, enabling a real ‘light-out’ operation across workshops. Compact and rugged structural design makes it perfect to navigate swiftly under any pallets, carts and shelf pods in warehouses and on factory floors



Exhibitor EUROBOTS

Address:  Polugaldeguren III, Núm.32, Pab.1
Town:  zamudio
Postcode:  48170
County:  bizkaia
Country:  Spain
Pavilion:  H809